Děkujeme partnerům za podporu druhého ročníku!
Letošní turnaj by se neobešel bez podpory partnerů. Za podporu děkujeme těmto subjektům. This year's tournament would not have been possible without the support of partners. We thank these entities for their support.
![]() | GUFI CUP is a special tournament. A tournament whose concept has no competition in the Czech Republic. However, this concept can only be realized thanks to the support of partners. We thank all partners for their support. It wouldn't be possible without you! |
![]() | GUFI CUP je speciální turnaj. Turnaj, jehož koncept nemá v České republice konkurenci. Tento koncept je ale možné realizovat jen díky podpoře partnerů. Děkujeme všem uvedeným subjektům za podporu. Bez vás by to nešlo! Brno, Jihomoravský kraj, Porsche Brno, DAIKIN Brno, SAKO Brno, SALMING, Skolaris, Werbedesign, TRON LASER GAME, JumpPark Brno, BrainTeaser, STAREZ. |

--> Partners - Floorball Cup For Girls in Brno | 17 - 19 May, 2024 (guficup.com) <--